Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Growing a winter beard

I've decided I don't like shaving in the morning. This is much easier.

Shows I've seen in the past week:
Britt Daniel of
Luna's last NYC show.Californiaall the way.
Here's hoping I get into the last GbV show on Saturday in NYC. Ever.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Monday, November 15, 2004

A tour of the new place:

Walk in the door, and welcome to the kitchen:

Down the hallway:

Bathroom on the right:

Bedroom next room on the right:

Aaron sitting on the floor of the bedroom, drinking wine:

Guestroom, with Leital playing Scrabble:

And last but not least, the private patio:

50th and 6th

Radio City Music Hall:

There was a Camel outside of my office last week. Welcome to NYC.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

So he won and now you want to move to Canada?

I don't think anyone visiting this blog is happy about Bush winning the election. Let's face it, 51% of this country is not like us, nor we like them. That's why we live where we do and they live there. I've heard a few people saying "I'm going to Canada." I'd rather stay here and continue with the good fight. That doesn't mean we'll always win, but we can't just give up.

for those insisting on moving to Canada, here's your chance.
Marry An American

Monday, November 01, 2004

H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N (let's have fun)

Imma kinda new wave pirate

Aaron is dead. Only kinda

Girl gone wild!

My cousin was DESTRUCTION. Her boyfriend was DEATH. She invited us to this party at CBGB's.