Thursday, December 16, 2004

Extraordinary Circumstances

Things have been overwhelmingly extraordinanry and fallen into place.

Some recent highlights:
-Was offered a ticket to the 2nd last GbV show in NYC ever
-Will see the Pixies tonight for the 3rd time on this tour.
-Was given an American Folkways recording of Ledbelly’s last sessions from 1958 (a record collectors wet dream)
-Finally read “A Confederacy of Dunces” and realized that I may own a 1st edition copy
-Saw “Life Aquatic” before it is out anywhere else (except LA, but that doesn’t count)
-Discovered Jandek. You should too.

1 comment:

Daniela said...

I saw Pixies for the 1st time in my life... hahaha
Life Aquatic was cute, but not so good as his other 3 flicks.
Jandek is such a big name now, but I still haven't listened to his music (when it played, I was on a red wine/martini/beer new year hangover)